
Set the high- and low-water limits for write flow control.

These two values control when the protocol's $(D_PSYMBOL pauseWriting()) and $(D_PSYMBOL resumeWriting()) methods are called. If specified, the low-water limit must be less than or equal to the high-water limit.

The defaults are implementation-specific. If only the high-water limit is given, the low-water limit defaults to an implementation-specific value less than or equal to the high-water limit. Setting $(D_PSYMBOL high) to zero forces low to zero as well, and causes $(D_PSYMBOL pauseWriting()) to be called whenever the buffer becomes non-empty. Setting $(D_PSYMBOL low) to zero causes $(D_PSYMBOL resumeWriting()) to be called only once the buffer is empty. Use of zero for either limit is generally sub-optimal as it reduces opportunities for doing I/O and computation concurrently.

interface WriteTransport
Nullable!size_t high = Nullable!size_t()
Nullable!size_t low = Nullable!size_t()
